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Palmer, S., Gönültaş, S., Argyri, E., Yüksel, A., McGuire, L., Killen, M. & Rutland, A. (in-press). Perceived Similarity and Bystander Self-Efficacy Increase the Likelihood of Youth Challenging the Exclusion of an Immigrant Peer. International Journal of Behavioral Development

Gönültaş, S., Argyri, E., Palmer, S., Yüksel, A., McGuire, L., Killen, M. & Rutland, A. (in-press). British Adolescents are More Likely than Children to Support Bystanders who Challenge Exclusion of Immigrant Peers. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology

Gönültaş, S., & Mulvey, K. L. (2022). Do Adolescents Intervene When Outgroup Members are Victimized?: Intergroup Processes and Social-Cognitive Predictors of Bystander Responses in Bias-based Bullying of Syrian Refugees in Turkey. Journal of Research on Adolescence. https://doi.org/10.1111/jora.12752

Knox, J., Gönültaş, S., Gibson, S., & Mulvey, K. L. (2022). Relations Between Family Support, Empathy, and Bystander Help-Seeking Preferences Following Peer Aggression. Journal of Child and Family Studies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-022-02312-2

Cerda-Smith, J., Gönültaş, S. & Mulvey, K. L. (2022). Adolescent Peer Aggression Judgments and Expected Bystander Intervention in Teen Dating Violence. Journal of Applied Developmental. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appdev.2022.101389

Gönültaş, S., Yavuz, H. M., & Mulvey, K. L. (2021). Should I Invite Them? Bystanders’ Inclusivity Judgments towards Outgroup Victims and Ingroup Bullies in Intergroup Bullying. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1002/casp.2567

Herry, E., Gönültaş, S., &Mulvey, K.L (2021). Digital Era Bullying: An Examination of Adolescent Judgments about Bystander Intervention. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appdev.2021.101322

Mulvey, K.L, Gönültaş, S., Herry, E., & Strelan, P. (2021). The Role of Theory of Mind, Group Membership, and Apology in Youth Intergroup Forgiveness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. https://doi.org/10.1037/xge0001094

Gönültaş, S., Richardson, C., & Mulvey, K. L. (2021). But, They Weren’t Being Careful! Role of False Belief Understanding in Moral Judgments About Victim and Transgressor Negligence. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105234

Gönültaş, S., & Mulvey, K. L. (2020). The Role of Immigration Background, Intergroup Processes, and Social-Cognitive Skills in Bystanders’ Responses to Bias-based Bullying towards Immigrants during Adolescence. Child Development. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13476

Gönültaş, S., & Mulvey, K. L. (2021). Bystander Responses to Bullying and Retaliation: Is Retaliation Perceived as More Acceptable? British Journal of Developmental Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjdp.12371

Mulvey, K. L., Gönültaş, S., Irdam, G., Carlson, R., DiStefano, C., & Irvin, M. J. (2020). School and Teacher Factors that Promote Adolescents’ Bystander Responses to Social Exclusion. Frontiers in Psychology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.581089

Konferans Sunumlarımızdan örnekler

1- Gönültaş, S. & Mulvey, K.L (2022, August). Towards an Inclusive Environment for Refugee Youth: Examining the Relationship between Bystanders’ Judgments, Responses and Inclusivity Tendencies in Bias-based Bullying. In S. Özdemir and S. Gönültaş (co-chairs), Understanding the roles of social-cognitive factors, intergroup dynamics, and peer status in bias-based bullying and victimization. Paper to be presented at the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA). Dublin, Ireland.

2- Gönültaş, S. & Mulvey, K.L (2022, June). Bystanders’ Justifications and Reasoning to Intergroup Bullying of Refugee Youth: The Role of Theory of Mind. In A. Yuksel and A. Rutland (co-chairs), Children’s and adolescent’s social moral decision making in different intergroup contexts. Paper to be presented at the 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD). Rhodes, Greece. 

3- Gönültaş, S., Argyri, E., Palmer, S., McGuire, L., Killen, M., & Rutland, A. (2022, June). Inclusive or not? How Are Group Norms Related to Bystander Responses to Social Exclusion of Immigrant Peers. In S. Gönültaş and A. Rutland (co-chairs), An international perspective on intergroup processes which facilitate inclusive and prosocial environments for immigrant and refugee youth. Paper to be presented at the 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD). Rhodes, Greece. 

4- Gönültaş, S., Argyri, E., Palmer, S., McGuire, L., Killen, M., & Rutland, A. (2021, August). Challenging Group Norms Regarding the Social Exclusion of Immigrant Peers. Paper to be presented at the 3rd Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education (CDME) conference.

5- Gönültaş, S., Argyri, E., Palmer, S., McGuire, L., Killen, M., & Rutland, A. (2021, August). Does Perceived Similarity Shape Adolescents’ Bystander Responses towards Social Exclusion of Immigrants through Group Support and Self-efficacy? In L. De Amicis (chairs), Stepping in to help in intergroup contexts: who does it, why and how are they perceived? Paper to be presented at the Virtual Social Psychology Section Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society (BPS).

6- Gönültaş, S. & Mulvey, K.L (2021, September). Do Perceived Parental Norms Shape Adolescents' Bystander Responses towards Syrian Refugees through Discrimination and Prejudice? In S. Gönültaş and A. Rutland (co-chairs), A Developmental Intergroup Perspective on Immigrant Victimization and Discrimination. Paper to be presented at the Virtual Developmental Psychology Section Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society (BPS). 

7- Gönültaş, S. & Mulvey, K.L (2021, September). The Role of Theory of Mind and Egalitarian Beliefs in Bystanders’ Responses to Bias-based Bullying. In S. Gönültaş and A. Rutland (co-chairs), A Developmental Intergroup Perspective on Bystander Responses to Bias-based Bullying and Exclusion Across Three Countries. Paper to be presented at the Virtual European Association for Developmental Psychology (EADP) Conference.

8- Gönültaş, S. & Mulvey, K.L (2021, April). Does Negative Media Representation Shape Adolescents’ Discrimination towards Syrian Refugees through Threat Perception and Prejudice? In S. Gönültaş and A. Brenick (co-chairs), How Do Social-Contextual Factors Shape Youth’s Intergroup Attitudes towards Immigrants and Refugees across Four Countries? Paper to be presented at the 27th Virtual Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Conference. 

9- Gönültaş, S. & Mulvey, K.L (2021, April). Predictors of Adolescents’ Bystander Responses to Bias-based Bullying of Syrian Refugee Youth in Turkey. In S. Gönültaş and K.L. Mulvey (co-chairs), How Intergroup-related and Social-cognitive Factors Shape Bystanders' Responses to Bias-based Bullying and Exclusion Across Three Countries? Paper to be presented at the 27th Virtual Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Conference. 

10- Gönültaş, S. & Mulvey, K.L (2021, April). Bystanders’ Reasoning to Intergroup Bullying of Syrian Refugees. ? Paper to be presented at the Social Domain Theory virtual meetings.

11- Gönültaş, S., Yavuz, H. M., Mulvey, K. L, Phalet, K., & van der Pol, L.  (2021, April). Should I invite them? Bystanders’ Inclusivity Judgments towards Outgroup Victims and Ingroup Bullies in Bias-based Bullying of Syrian Refugees. Poster to be presented at the preconference “Development of Refugee Children and Youth Living in Camps during COVID-19” at the 27th Virtual Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Conference. 

12- *Gönültaş, S. & Mulvey, K.L (2022, June). The Role of Intergroup Processes and Immigration Background in Bystanders’ Judgments about Bias-based Bullying during Adolescence. In S. Palmer and M. Miklikowska (co-chairs), The role of group processes in reactions to and consequences of bullying and social exclusion. Paper to be presented at the 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Rhodes, Greece.

13- Gönültaş, S. & Mulvey, K.L (2020, February). The Role of Discrimination and Immigration Background in the Relationship between Mentalizing and Bystanders’ Judgments about Bullying. In N. McLoughlin and R. Leshin (Co-chairs), The Developmental Origins of Dehumanization. Paper to be presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA.

14- Gönültaş, S. & Mulvey, K.L (2020, February). The Role of Gender Equitable Attitudes and Egalitarian Beliefs in College Students’ Bystander Responses to Gender-based Social Exclusion. Poster to be presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA.

15- Gönültaş, S., Mulvey, K.L., Irdam, G., DiStefano, C., Irvin, M.J. & Carlson, R. (August, 2019). Bystander Intervention in Response to Different Forms of Bullying and Retaliation. In S. Gönültaş and K.L. Mulvey (Organizers), Bullying, Victimization, and Defending: Integrating Individual-Contextual Approaches Across Measures. Paper to be presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL. 

16- Ayhan, S. & Gönültaş, S. (2024, June). Being Just in Intergroup Interactions: Correlates of Justice Sensitivity towards Refugees. [Poster presentation]. 27th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Lisbon, Portugal

17- Gönültaş, S. & Ayhan, S. (2024, June). Promoting Positive Intergroup Emotions Through Perceived Similarity, Empathy, and Justice Sensitivity.

In L. Elenbaas and K.L. Mulvey (co-chairs), Relational Processes Underlying Children’s and Adolescents’ Attitudes About Immigrants. [Paper presentation]. 27th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Lisbon, Portugal